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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Member Questions During your entire application process both directors and line members of CYNOU as well as big names from other PL corps can and will be asking you questions, posting criticisms, or (if you are fortunate) compliments. You are obligated to answer any and all questions from CYNOU members to the best of your ability and with well thought out and written answers. This even includes questions like "Are you gay IRL" or "have you ever J/Oed with ur friend". If such questions were to come up, humor the questioner with something witty and resourceful instead of just flat out ignoring them. At the end of the day it is Doomchinchilla (CEO of CYNOU) who is the final authority on all matters of recruitment however, even the standard line member holds more weight than you, so give them something to work with. Questions are also another way to gauge your interest in actually joining CYNOU, so if someone asks you a very serious question and you are expected to answer in detail, answer in detail. Linked here is an example from SNIGG recruitment of well answered questions. TLDR: Think of it as fraternity hazing just with out the 2AM wakeup calls and alcohol. At the end of the day, no one will lose sleep if someone gets rejected except the applicant so do you best to impress not only Doom, but everyone else.