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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Hello prospective recruits! If you're interested in joining RG , please follow the steps below: Join our ingame public channel and send a message to one of the recruiters listed in the MOTD. The recruiter will send you a link to our corp discord. Once in there, we'll give you a recruit role and you'll be able to chat with us. This will allow us to see how well you fit in with our culture. Once we've decided you'd be a good fit for us, we'll ask you to make a post in our applications forum. Follow the form in the other sticky located here. Once your application is posted, our recruiters will send you a link to our SeAT background checker. You must add ALL your characters to it, whether you plan to bring them into RG or not. If your background checks don't flag up anything weird (like you're secretly mittens cousin twice removed) then we will invite you into the fold on a trial basis. After 1-3 months, your trial status will be reviewed and you will become a fully fledged member of Roving Guns Inc. If you are a returning member to RG them please follow the steps below: Make a thread called *Your Name* - Returning Member in the forums here In the thread state who you know in RG and that you want to return. An RG recruiter will verify you are who you claim to be, we will be background checks on all your characters and if you are who you claim to be we will welcome you back home to RG